Cody Barrasse Memorial
3 on 3 Tournament
Cody Barrrasse touched the lives of many before he was taken from us all too early. Whether it was playing football for Scranton Prep, pickup basketball with his friends. or watching sports on TV, Cody was always a competitor. He had a constant drive to succeed and better those around him. A 3 on 3 basketball tournament to benefit a scholarship setup at Scranton Prep in his name was an easy choice. It paired two of the things that were most important to Cody – competing and helping others. Cody cared deeply for others, regardless if they were his best friend or he had just met them.
Annually since August 2013, hundreds of players, fans, friends and family have filled Scranton Prep’s Xavier Center to celebrate Cody’s life by doing what he loved – competing. There is no better way to honor the life and legacy of Cody Barrasse than by giving people of all ages and athletic abilities an opportunity to compete, all while raising funds to allow a worthy student-in-need the opportunity to attend Scranton Preparatory School
The 2017 Tournament
The fifth annual Cody Barrasse Memorial Tournament will be held on Aug 5, 2017 @ Scranton Prep’s Xavier Center. Play will start at 10 am. Teams can register below or registration forms can be obtained directly from Scranton Prep. As in years past, the team divisions will be as follows: Boys & Girls Junior High (Rising Grades 7-9), Boys & Girls High School (Rising Grades 10-12), Men’s & Women’s Adult Competitive (HS Grads & Above), and Men’s & Women’s Adult Non – Competitive (HS Grads & Above).
Download the 2017 Sign-Up form and return to Scranton Prep’s, Chris Boland at the school’s Alumni office.

Sponsorship Levels
Sponsorship can be completed here or by checks made payable to Scranton Prep,- 3-on-3 Tournament, c/o Chris Boland, 1000 Wyoming AVe, Scranton, Pa 18509